Surat Pembatalan Kotrak Berbahasa Inggris - Bila anda mempunyai sebuah kontrak kerja dengan individu ataupun perusahaan dan ingin mengakhirinya, maka pilihan menggunakan sebuah surat berbahasa inggris dapat menjadi acuan. Berikut adalah contoh Surat Pembatalan Kotrak Berbahasa Inggris
Contract Cancellation Letter Sample
Ms.Dini Ika Nur
Dhini Company
Jebres ,Solo
August 3, 2011
Mr. Burhan Ingri
BUrhan Supplies, Inc.
Dear Mr. Burhan,
In behalf of the Dhini Company, I am very sorry to inform you that we are cancelling our contract with your company for delivery of our monthly supply of educational supplies. As per our contract, deliveries should be made on the first working day of each month. The deliveries should always be complete with no pending deliveries for the month. However, in the past two months, the deliveries you have made have always been incomplete. Several of the supplies we needed were not delivered on the first working day and instead were delivered later on. You have not given us any explanation for this and this merits cancellation of our contract.
We will be paying for the last delivery that you made but do not deliver again next month. I do hope that your company would improve its services.
Ms. Dini Ika Nur