Surat Pemecatan in English - Apabila anda mempunyai karyawan dan ingin memecatnya maka pilihan menggunakan Surat Pemecatan in English dapat menjadi pilihan. Berikut merupakan contoh Surat Pemecatan dalam bahasa Inggris
Mr. Adi SunanSudaradi no 46FPlot F No. 4 Block No. 2Solo
Subject: Resignation from Service
Reference Your application dated 12.11.2011regarding resignation from service. Please be informed that you are required to deposit one month`s pay with the Society in lieu of one month`s notice as required vide clause 4 of your appointment letter No. 08026/12-A/29 dated 12.11.2011.
You are absent from duty since 10.5.2011 hence you will not be entitled to get salary for the month of May, 2011.
Cc to : Accounts Branch for Information & Master File.